
Même pendant la pandémie, on s’attaque à la Sécurité sociale

Nous sommes en plein milieu d'une pandémie dévastatrice et d'une crise économique, mais cela n'a pas stoppé les Démocrates et les Républicains d'imaginer de nouvelles manières de détruire la sécurité sociale. Bizarrement, le débat refait surface aux États-Unis poussé dans les rangs du Parti Démocrate et par l'administration Trump.

Article en anglais. Cet article a été publié sur le site "Jacobin Mag" par David Sirota, auteur et conseiller de Bernie Sanders pendant la campagne à la primaire démocrate de 2020.

During the 2020 Democratic primary, Joe Biden had to answer for his repeated attempts to work with Republicans to try to cut Social Security benefits. Biden responded by pretending he never tried to cut the program, and by insisting he would try to expand it as president. This prompted some of his defenders to wonder why Social Security was even an issue, when presumably the Democratic Party and Donald Trump himself have publicly insisted they would never dream of trying to slash one of the most popular social programs in history.

Fast forward to the present and you will now understand why Social Security continues to be a huge point of contention: it’s because some powerful people in the Democratic Party still do dream of normalizing the idea of cutting Social Security, and those folks are now getting a boost from Donald Trump’s administration.

This sordid, little cautionary tale started last week. As lawmakers such as Bernie Sanders, Ed Markey, and Kamala Harris were unveiling a proposal to give workers a $2,000 stipend during the coronavirus crisis, University of Pennsylvania professor Natasha Sarin countered with a research paper pushing an alternate idea: “Allowing workers to tap their Social Security wealth to finance consumption today.”

Instead of giving workers money in the same way the government is giving corporations trillions of dollars, or instead of vastly expanding unemployment benefits, Sarin and her cohorts want Americans to “borrow against their retirement benefits,” effectively turning Social Security into a reverse mortgage. This, they argue, “may well be superior to alternatives already legislated because it delivers relief to households that need it most.”

Echoing Biden’s own anti-deficit rhetoric when he pushed Social Security cuts, the researchers conclude: “In exchange for relatively small cuts in scheduled benefits, the government can send sizable checks to most households in a fiscally neutral way.”

The Summers Connection

What does this have to do with Democratic politics? Well, it turns out, a lot, actually.

Sarin interned at the Obama National Economic Council when it was run by Larry Summers, at the very time that administration considered proposals (reportedly led by Biden) to cut Social Security. Sarin remains a close ally of Summers — she recently co-authored a Washington Post op-ed with Summers that slammed the idea of a wealth tax.

That’s the same Summers now advising the Biden campaign.

Additionally, the American Prospect reports that “Summers not only plays a direct role (in Biden’s campaign), but has managed to insert close allies and protégés to argue against progressive policies, including his former student and frequent co-author Natasha Sarin.”

The GOP Agenda: Corporations Get Bailouts, Workers Get to Raid Their Own Meager Savings

Now here’s the kicker: Sarin’s idea — which has also been pushed by conservative economists — is suddenly gaining momentum among top Trump officials, according to the Washington Post.

In addition to Trump pushing a payroll tax cut that could drain funding for Social Security, the newspaper reports that senior White House officials are exploring an initiative “that would allow Americans to choose to receive checks of up to $5,000 in exchange for a delay of their Social Security benefits.”

This is part of a larger GOP effort to at once give the corporate class no-strings-attached bailouts, while somehow pretending that the best way to help ordinary workers is to merely let them cannibalize their own meager retirement savings. Indeed, it follows Rand Paul’s proposal to address the student debt crisis by letting Americans raid their own 401(k) savings, and Marco Rubio’s plan to address the childcare crisis by letting Americans raid their future Social Security benefits.

Biden Pushes Back

For his part, Biden slammed Trump officials for considering the idea, tweeting: “Give people coronavirus economic relief and don’t hold their hard-earned benefits hostage.”

That’s a solid response, and a signal that the presumptive Democratic nominee seems to understand that he should refrain from echoing his past calls for reducing Social Security benefits.

However, the entire story is a reminder that Biden is surrounded by voices who learned their politics in the 1990s and 2000s, when pushing to cut Social Security was depicted as a Very Serious Idea among the Washington crowd.

Those voices in both parties are still hanging around. They still haven’t gone away. They are still coming up with all sorts of innovative ways to destabilize the program, and they are still depicting those destructive initiatives as good for workers — even when they are the opposite.

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Marina Mesure

Syndicalisme international

Marina Mesure is a specialist of social issues. She has worked for several years with organizations defending workers’ rights such as the European Federation of Building and Wood Workers.

She has campaigned against child labor with the International Labor Organization, against social dumping and the criminalization of unionism. As a famous figure in the international trade union world, she considers that the principle of “equal work, equal pay « remain revolutionary: between women and men, between posted and domestic workers, between foreigners and nationals ».

Marina Mesure, especialista en asuntos sociales, ha trabajado durante varios años con organizaciones de derechos de los trabajadores como la Federación Europea de Trabajadores de la Construcción y la Madera.

Llevo varias campañas contra el trabajo infantil con la Organización Internacional del Trabajo, contra el dumping social, y la criminalización del sindicalismo. Es una figura reconocida en el mundo sindical internacional. Considera que el principio de « igual trabajo, igual salario » sigue siendo revolucionario: entre mujeres y hombres, entre trabajadores desplazados y domésticos, entre extranjeros y nacionales « .

Spécialiste des questions sociales, Marina Mesure travaille depuis plusieurs années auprès d’organisations de défense des droits des travailleurs comme la Fédération Européenne des travailleurs du Bâtiment et du Bois.

Elle a mené des campagnes contre le travail des enfants avec l’Organisation internationale du travail, contre le dumping social, la criminalisation du syndicalisme. Figure reconnue dans le monde syndical international, elle considère que le principe de « travail égal, salaire égal » est toujours aussi révolutionnaire : entre les femmes et les hommes, entre les travailleurs détachés et domestiques, entre étrangers et nationaux ».

Sophia Chikirou

Directrice de la publication

Sophia Chikirou is the publisher of Le Monde en commun. Columnist, director of a documentary on the lawfare, she also founded several media such as Le Média TV and the web radio Les Jours Heureux.

Communications advisor and political activist, she has worked and campaigned in several countries. From Ecuador to Spain, via the United States, Mexico, Colombia, but also Mauritania, she has intervened with progressive and humanist movements during presidential or legislative campaigns.

In 2007, she published Ma France laïque (La Martinière Editions).

Sophia Chikirou es directora de la publicación de Le Monde en commun. Columnista, directora de un documental sobre el lawfare, también fundó varios medios de comunicación tal como Le Média TV y la radio web Les Jours Heureux.

Asesora de comunicacion y activista política, ha trabajado y realizado campañas en varios países. Desde Ecuador hasta España, pasando por Estados Unidos, México, Colombia, pero también Mauritania, intervino con movimientos progresistas y humanistas durante campañas presidenciales o legislativas.

En 2007, publicó Ma France laïque por Edicion La Martinière.

Sophia Chikirou est directrice de la publication du Monde en commun. Editorialiste, réalisatrice d’un documentaire sur le lawfare, elle a aussi fondé plusieurs médias comme Le Média TV et la web radio Les Jours Heureux.

Conseillère en communication et militante politique, elle a exercé et milité dans plusieurs pays. De l’Equateur à l’Espagne, en passant par les Etats-Unis, le Mexique, la Colombie, mais aussi la Mauritanie, elle est intervenue auprès de mouvements progressistes et humanistes lors de campagnes présidentielles ou législatives.

En 2007, elle publiait Ma France laïque aux éditions La Martinière.

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